2 June 2016

Vedadri,Garudachalam - Lord Narasimha swamy exists here in 5 forms -2016!!!


Route: Hyderabad to Jaggayapeta (Hyderabad –Vijayawada Highway)

Trip members : Family members

Temple Timings –( 6 am – 12:30 pm) (4 pm – 9pm)

Date of travel:  22nd Feb 2016 Monday

Trip plan !!!!!

To cover Kotilingala Kshetram ,Krishna river,Vedadri & Garudachalam

Journey  from Kotilingala kshetram to vedadri  !!!!!

After finishing pooja at Kotilingala kshetram ,it was 3pm and  we have enough time to travel to Hyderabad.Meanwhile we planned to cover vedadri & garudachalam.which are enroute to Jagayapeta.It is 10kms from chillakalu village on NH 9 from Vijayawada to Hyderabad.

Brief History!!!!

According to brahma purana says,somasura stole the vedas from brahma & hided in ocean.Brahma approached lord Vishnu to get the vedas from the Asura.Sriman Narayanar in the form of Matysya Avatara rescued the vedas from the Asura.Then vedas took human form and thanked lors Vishnu & prayed to stay on their heads.Lord Vishnu agreed to stay with them as Pancha murthy only after killing of rakshasa King Hiranyakasupu. He asked them to stay in the river as Saligrama Mountain till then.Ever since after killing Hiranyakasupu stayed as Jwala Narasimha on the vedadri hill.
Brahma requested Lord Narasimha swamy to stay at satya lokha as saligrama ,lord Narasimha agreed even before brahma could offer prayers ,Satyalokha was in flames ,so then returned back to river Krishnaveni & erected in the river.

Temple !!!

Ancient temple ,unique style of spire built in Andhra style .A beautiful image of yoga posture is seen outside the temple premises welcoming the devotees.The temple has 5 tiered  rajagopuram to east &west side .West side tower faces river  Krishna & it has  a mandapam  and inner sanctum sanctoraum.The dwajasthambham is seen inside the Mandapam.Here Lord houses with his consort Chenchu Lakshmi  and Rajya Lakshmi seen separately left side of main sanctum.

Pancha Narasimha Kshetras:

Mattapalli, vedadri, Vadapalli, Mangalagiri, kethavaram


Here the importance of the place is lord is existing in five different forms  each other  known as as pancha narasimha Moorthy.

  1. Jwala Narasimha Swamy (on vedadri hill )
  2. Saligrama Narasimha  Swamy (in Krishna river)
  3. Yogananda  Sri Narasimha swamy (erected by rishyasringa muni) & people believe that he carries sword and cures diseases. (he is inside temple)
  4. Kalyana Lakshmi Narasimha swamy (seen inside temple)
  5. Veera Narasimha swamy (On Garudachalam hill) 5kms east to vedadri.

Sub-shrines !!!!!

Lord Varaha, Lakshmi devi, garuda ,hanuman & subshrines here.

Special festivals !!!!

Chaitra sudha dasami to dwadasi annual festival.
Chaitra sudha Tryodasi to bahula Tadiya  annual festival.

Vedadri Hill !!!!

On vedadri hill which located beside vedari temple, we need climb some steps to reach on top of hill.Here Jwala Narasimha swamy was incarnated and from here there is a cave passage which is connected till Garudachalam hill.

Jwalanarasimha swamy

How to reach !!!
  • Buses are available from all places to vedadri to access the temple.
  • Train – nearest railway station is Madhira railway station which is 37kms away to temple & from here local buses run to temple.

It is located on the bank of Krishna river so there is one more approach from the other side of the river.village Ginjupally is just opposite to the temple on the outer side of river Krishna.


Garudachalam !!!!

Route: Hyderabad to Jaggayapeta (Hyderabad –Vijayawada Highway)

Trip members : Family members

Temple Timings –( 6 am – 12:30 pm) (4 pm – 9pm)

Date of travel:  22nd Feb 2016 Monday

Trip plan !!!!!

To cover Kotilingala Kshetram ,Krishna river,Vedadri & Garudachalam

Journey  from   Vedadri  to Garudachalam !!!!!

This is a hill enroute to vedadri  & it is 5kms away from vedadri.

The journey is resumed mostly in remote area and only hills and farms can be seen while traveling.
Here there are 2 routes to go to the top of the hill ,one is steps route  another is vehicle route,but vehicle route is a bit tuff route as it is steep 
mud  hill. 

While climbing steps we can see Lord hanuman temple and foot level of steps Nagadevi  temple.

Lord hanuman at Steps route 
Here in this cave Garuda --devotee of Lord Vishnu & mighty vehicle did penance and Lord manifested here as Veera Narasimha Swamy  stayed  here on request of vana devathas .

Lord  Veera Narasimha swamy at garudachalam hill

There is a  cave  passage till Vedadri hill top.

Cave passage

Proud to be Hindu – here there is a foreigner who came from Russia and staying here and serving Lord from  past  10years.

From top view of Garudachalam hill 

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