2 June 2016

Puri day 1 ---Journey to kalinga desam (utkal desam) -- srikshetra---white Pagoda---Stupendous!!!!!

Route:Sec-bad—Khazipet---Khammam---Vijayawada-----Rajamundry-----Annavaram----Vizag----simhachalam----Vijayanagaram---Palasa---Chilka---Kurdha Junction

Train: Visakha Express (Train Number 17016)

Travel time: 22 hours train journey

Date of travel : 24th june 2015

Trip Plan:

This plan was well planned for Navakalebhara Utsav, but I did not want  to explore it on the day of the Utsav because of overcrowd. We booked our travel tickets & Hotel accommodation well in advance through makemytrip.com.

Trip plan headed into action !!!

Distance from Hyderabad to Puri was about 1175 Kilometers, which prompted us to think about the mode of travel. After lots of discussions & budget plans we decided to take train Journey. We booked our train tickets in Visakha express, which travels till Bhubaneshwar. We got down at Kurdha Junction and took another train till Puri. From here Puri was about 48kms and the journey was around one and half hour. 

Kosala Desam or Kalinga Desam 

In its long meandering course through history, Orissa  transformed into names namely Kalinga, Utkal, Odra, Kosala, Trikalinga, Kangoda, Tosala etc. Since the Suryavamshi kings (15th-16th century), the land came to be  known as Odisha.

Day 1 journey (24 June 2015)

We Started  from our house to near by MMTS station caught  local train to sec-bad & reached by 4pm.Our train is at 4:50 pm and the train was on time .Finally we boarded the train,as trip plan was planned well in advance, every thing is going well as of now.

We are travelling to Puri Hurray!!!!
Next day  on 25th june 2015 by  7:15 am the train was at Vizag ,we had a small tea break here,our journey resumed sooner we reached the last town in Andhra Pradesh, Ichapuram  ,After which we entered into Brahmapur, Odissa border within 25 minutes at around 12:20 pm. .We were passing our time by watching out Srikakulam locales as these people are very different in dress culture and the way they speak, i mean slang even though it was Telugu language it sounds peculiar & usually normal Telugu speaking  people also  cannot understand this slang which is  in local language called as Srikakulam Yasa”.

Finally at 2:45 pm we reached Kurdha Junction –our train was late by 25mins .It was supposed to reach by 2:20pm.In an enquiry they said trains are late due to some repair works taken up in favour of devotees  who come for ratha yatra festival. we enquired about  how to reach Puri from some locales   whether to  travel by train or bus or cab .As we are new to the place and we are few members we opted to have safest transport i.e train. Mean while  we called up our hotel Reba where we booked & informed  our arrival. We took tickets for passenger train after we overheard someone saying that the train will be arriving anytime now. so meanwhile  we had small tea break and were waiting for the train.Suddenly we saw a super fast express; due to time constraint we boarded this train. This was our big blunder—known Mistake!!!!! Within 40mins we reached Puri,The Puri station today has that special feature where rural India has reached on pilgrimage with very busiest ,we are at white pagoda ,once Kosala desam.The first highlight of the trip started here,after getting down at Puri station ticket collector asked us for tickets and  I blindly without any hesitation  gave our passenger  ticket to him ,I had a chance of skipping this incident by sitting in the station for sometime after getting down at Puri,sometime after getting down at Puri, but  like a bold heroine moved off  forgetting about the purchase of  a passenger train ticket  and was caught by ticket collector at Puri station. We tried to give our explanation but the head of the station asked us to pay Rs.1000/- as fine. Finally after little herotic drama he insisted us to pay 500 rupees as fine. Finally after enough arguments we ended up paying Rs.130/- per head as fine. So ensure that you take a train ticket of required class and travel accordingly because ticket collectors here at Puri will be always on their sincere duty and penalty will be imposed on wrong train travel. Anyhow that was my mistake and I was a bit disappointed with the incident. It was a good lesson taught to us by lord Jagganath cautioning us not to take anything in lighter way, every incident in our life teaches us a lesson. After coming out of the train station we headed towards the auto stand

Little research work!!!!

I am a freak always searching for tourism offices in Railway stations trying to collect brochures of the places to be seen in and around. I was surprised to see the railway station so clean & hygiene. The railway station was pretty well maintained. There are pre-paid auto services which are set by police for the sake of devotees. There are auto charge boards placed for the devotees even outside the railway station which gives us no scope for bargains. The auto in which you travel will be noted at the counter.

Finally by 5:30 pm we reached our Reba hotel which was very neat and economical (1100/- per 24hrs) and well maintained with room service too.only disappointment was no lift facility in this hotel.

View from the hotel!!!

The hotel is One Kilometer away from Puri temple and five minutes walking distance to beach. We had a good view of the beach on one side & of the temple tower on the other side from our room balcony. After refreshing, at about 06:30 PM we moved out  to spend quality time at beach & to have dinner. 

Puri Beach night view!!!

Puri beach is well maintained and the night view of beach was awesome-speechless to tell you about its beauty. The beach was crowded and to some extent lights were arranged for the sake of tourists, camel rides, horse rides, pani-puri stalls and beach shopping malls. There were about some 70 shops that were arranged in beach who sell shells, clothes, wooden idols and other gifting items. And the beach side road is choc-a-bloc with hotels and craft items . 

some shopping at beach and some sand sketch of my face at Puri beach  by one of my friend !!hahaha!!!
Every corner of Puri streets at beach side you will find a shop of fish bajjis and fish fries. Its quiet common for them as common mirchi bajjis for us usually find every where in our Telangana and Andhra areas.Here in odissa & in Bengal --vegetarians consider fish as veggie and call them as Jala pushpalu which means "water flowers" and eat them.

After about  an hour walk at beach ,we went to a restaurant had South Indian meals for our dinner  and came back to our hotel and dozed off  for the day.

 Toooo Tiiiiired !!!!!!! goodnight.

Quick Info!!!!

Vicinity (places around Puri): there are numerous places to visit but this time our trip plan was listed here.
Puri ,Puri beach,shopping,
Gundicha temple
Lingaraj Temple, Bhubhaneshwar city
Mukteshwar Temple, Sidheshwar, Kedar-Gowri temple
NandanKanan Zoo
Khandagiri &Udaygiri Caves
Dauli Stupa
Konark Temple
Chandrabagha Beach


Be Cautious
 ---This is the place where usually people will be cheated in the name of god none other than by pujaris (localy called as pandas)These pandas are very notorious and find every where in the temple so be cautious in dealing with them.They force us to pay huge amount in order to get the blessings of the god and will keep asking donations in the name of god.

Non-Hindus are not permitted into temple sanctorum but can see it from outside.

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