14 November 2017

Journey to the land of the pride of Telangana warriors- Warangal -1000 pillars temple -- Karthika pournami celebrations

Unexpected trip to Warangal (Kaktiyan's regime for  (karthika Pournami puja) in Thousand pillars temple....

For more details about  Warangal 1000 pillars temple click on the below link of my blog : https://hamsalekhha.blogspot.com/2016/06/warangal-part-1-rudreshwara-swamy.html

Karthika pournami falls On nov 4th 2017 ,very auspicious for all hindus.During Karthika month all perform puja to lord siva and temples will be lit with diya’s  in the evening .After frequent  travels for us 200kms is just a pleasure  journey.... not a distance.This was a spontaneous travel plan which was never planned  and i bet all of us experienced with unplanned trips in their life time atleast once,usually unplanned trips always end up with great memories.

Jet set Go !!! with the unplanned road trip to Warangal...
As a general discussion I was saying my friend today is Karthik pournami and shall we go to any  lord siva’s temple  preferably the ancient temple.we started wandering on roads and reached yadgiri guta route,at 1st we thought of going to Chaya someshwaram temple which is located in Nalgonda district .The same mistake was repeated by us ,last time also we were planned to go to Chaya someshwaram and we took the yadgiri gutta route  which is long route and finally ended up our trip with Warangal visit.But believe me the unplanned trips always make us feel better.
At evening 3 pm we started from hyderabad and reached Warangal by 6pm , Due course of our journey we come across monolithic rocks on which Bhongiri fort was built and gives us a magnificient view from highway. It looks like sleeping tortoise with its shell.
we bought  some diyas,wicks and all needful items for litting diyas  at  local shop  at Warangal.By seeing the crowd at the temple we moved ahead and parked our vehicle  little far-away to the temple and started walking back to the temple.

Welcome to Warangal !!! Heart of Telangana!!! Glories of Kakatiyans rule !!!!!
What can I say about this place ,It is a very well known by two telugu states Andhra & Telangana people. It was a history lesson in school days for some people.Learning about these legends was little bit boring during childhood days . But being an travel freak and passion photographer  as we grow up , these lessons turn up into interesting places and attract us to love them more.Warangal once called Orvakallu as it was built on single stone and served as capital to the Kakatiyan Dynasty and it stood in grandeur as pride of our Telangana State.

Our destination was 1000 pillars temple...
It is the grandeur of kakatiyan dynasty.The construction of the temple fascinates all the history lovers and photographers.The temple is built in Trikutalayam (star-shaped) housing three garbha gruhas (sanctorums)one for lord siva (main deity),another for lord Vishnu and other for lord sun.
The name itself describes about the temple ??? yes very true !!!
We are at 1000 pillars temple ,an engineer marvel of kakatiyan era. And these pillars are built at in the manadapa  which is constructed in front of the temple behing the Gaint bull (nandi) and are now barricaded by a boundary wall, It was in ruin state  because it was destroyed by Tuqhlaq dynasty ,Sultans of Delhi’s invasion during 14th century. ASI (Archaeological Survey of India)has taking care to  relive the glory of this 1000 pillars temple to relocate in the same place where originally it was built.
My sincere gratitude to ASI for struggling to save the pride of Telangana ,Kakatiyan’s Grandeur.

Unique feature of the temple...
None of the pillars abstructs a person to see the idol (main diety).

Unique feature of Nandi ...
On nandi (bull) we can cleary observe veins which are visible very strongly.
Nandi here always faces east and does not faces directly lord siva a, here the nandi face is slightly turned right side and the ear carved out symbolizing the nani is always attentive to hear the lord siva’s order to follow.The fore limb of the nandi is lifted up  symbolizing it would be always in alert attentive position to receive the order from lord siva.
Here we can see the broken forelimb of the nandi as an example of the cruelty by muslim ruler’s invasion during those period and destruction made by them ruining the beauty of the temple.

Entering into the temple took us more than ½ hour as it was crowded fully and every corner of the temple we find the diya’s litted up by devotees.As entering into the temple premises one can evoke devotion and reverence.

Note: For more details about  Warangal 1000 pillars temple see my past post on my blog: